Memory clinic accreditation
The Dementia Network supported the successful accreditation by the Royal College of Psychiatrists of six memory clinics in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes following a similar achievement by three clinics in Berkshire. The project aimed to improve memory services by increasing the number of services within the Oxford AHSN area accredited with the Royal College of Psychiatrists Memory Services National Accreditation Programme (MSNAP). This has 171 standards and provides an excellent basis for reduction in variation and for memory clinic improvement. Read more about MSNAP here. To read more about our achievements in this area, please see this case study.
Supporting people with young onset dementia
The Dementia Clinical Network supported the Younger People with Dementia (YPWD) service in West Berkshire to achieve recurrent funding from NHS commissioners. Using a collection of outcome measures, it allowed the service to demonstrate its effectiveness to potential funders. This service provides age appropriate activities for people with young onset dementia and respite for their carers. There is evidence to suggest that carer education and regular support can reduce carer stress and delays the person with young onset dementia going into institutionalised care. There is also a specific dementia care adviser and an Admiral Nurse within the service.The Dementia Network also funded YPWD to run services in East Berkshire for a year to demonstrate the benefit in that area. This has also now received recurrent funding from Clinical Commissioning Groups. A project to extend the availability of services for people with young onset dementia is currently running.
Webinar programme
More than 1,000 people have taken part in the ongoing programme of dementia-related webinars launched in 2014. Read more here.