The R&D oversight group aims to:
- identify, encourage and provide opportunities for collaboration and information sharing between NHS and university partners across the Oxford AHSN in all aspects of R&D impacting on health, health are, social care and public health
- liaise closely with NIHR regional infrastructure to ensure sharing of information and opportunities
- influence the strategy for R&D across the region through engagement with NHS and academic stakeholders, and particularly in support for the NHS trust directors of R&D
- share examples and information on relevant research, for example Covid-19, presenting and collating exemplars from across the region
- share information on national policy, local initiatives and events that can benefit the whole R&D community, for example, the work of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System and developments in public health
- provide support (through the oversight group chair, AHSN CEO and other members) to individual organisations or groups of organisations wishing to take forward specific initiatives
- explore opportunities around research skills, education and training for current and future workforce
- understand the R&D activities and portfolios of individual higher education institutions and NHS organisations.