Key achievements to date include:
1. Sustaining improvement in outcomes for people suffering with anxiety and/or depression
- An eight percentage point increase in recovery rates* (from 47% to 55%) maintained on average from 2015-19.
- A steady increase in the numbers of people treated who ‘moved to recovery’ – from 938 in April 2017 to 2,021 in November 2018.
- An independent impact study showed £750,000 of NHS money saved as a result of the Oxford AHSN Anxiety and Depression Clinical Network’s activity.
- An estimated additional 384 people returned to work over a 21-month period
Read more in this case study.
2. Supporting implementation of integrated IAPT^ treatment programme for people with long-term conditions
- for people suffering with long-term physical health conditions and anxiety/depression across all Thames Valley IAPT services
- taking 1,000+ more patients through treatment each year
* Recovery rate = by the end of treatment the patient has dropped below the clinical/non-clinical threshold for both anxiety and depression
^ IAPT = Improving Access to Psychological Therapies