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Our governance

The Community Involvement & Workforce Innovation (CIWI) Oversight Group provides strategic guidance and oversees the delivery of our work. Its diverse membership includes multidisciplinary professionals and members of the public. The oversight group was formed in November 2021 and reports directly to the Health Innovation Ofor & Thames Valley Board.

The responsibility of the CIWI Oversight Group is to:

  • provide advice and strategic guidance to help with future planning and priority setting
  • oversee the delivery of the evolving CIWI programme, commenting on progress against the annual business plan
  • act as a critical friend to the CIWI programme, providing a range of views
  • communicate key programme messages, reporting into local/regional groups/boards to support awareness of, and engagement in the work of the programme
  • help identify risks and issues that may affect the programme and their mitigation.

You can view the CIWI Oversight Group Terms of Reference by clicking here.

Minutes of previous meetings can be found below: