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ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Escalation and Treatment)

ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment)

Personalised Care and Support Planning is a series of facilitated conversations in which the person, or those who know them well, actively participates to explore the management of their health and well-being within the context of their whole life and family situation. ReSPECT is one such tool. The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care and treatment in a future emergency, in which they are unable to make or express choices. These recommendations are created through conversations between a person, their families and their health and care professionals, to understand what matters to them and what is realistic in terms of their care and treatment. Patient preferences and clinical recommendations are recorded on a non-legally binding form which can be reviewed and adapted if circumstances change.

ReSPECT is already being used by many organisations within the Health Innovation Oxford and Thames Valley region. There is widespread consensus for it to become a common tool, to allow recording of discussions, and importantly that these are better communicated between healthcare professionals and carers working across different organisations. The Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative is supporting its adoption and spread across acute and community care services, primary healthcare and care homes.


The University of Warwick has published research reports relating to ReSPECT:

Other research studies featuring ReSPECT

Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment into primary care and its impact on patient treatment and care (ReSPECT)

A research team at the University of Warwick, led by Professor Anne Slowther, is conducting an evaluation of ReSPECT in primary care. This project will complement the initial evaluation study of ReSPECT in acute trusts. The study is funded by the NHIR HS&DR programme (NIHR131316). The overall aim of the study is to explore how, when and why ReSPECT is used in primary and community care settings, and to evaluate its impact on patient treatment and care. We will explore experiences and views of ReSPECT from a range of different perspectives including patients, their families, GPs and other health and social care professionals