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Past Events

Physical modelling and machine intelligence for accelerated discovery

1200-1330 Large meeting room, Oxford BioEscalator, 696 Roosevelt Drive, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7FZ- and online IBM Research will be discussing what’s next in AI, Quantum computing and hybrid cloud to shape the world ahead. They are building a bias-free AI that can take the burden out of healthcare decisions and move quantum computing from a […]

Event Types: Partner event

Belgian economic mission to the UK

0900-1630 St Hilda’s College, Cowley Place, Oxford This in person event hosted by OBN will focus on building relationships between Belgian life science leaders and their counterparts in the UK. Workshop sessions: ‘How to access the NHS’ hosted by Professor Gary Ford, Chief Executive Officer of the Oxford Academic Health Science Network ‘An introduction to […]

Event Types: Partner event

Evaluating proactive care frameworks for long-term conditions

1200-1300 Online event In 2020, UCLPartners developed a series of Proactive Care Frameworks to help people living with long-term conditions during COVID-19 and to support systems post-pandemic by optimising workforce capacity, making use of digital resources and aiding a step change in self-management, remote support and personalisation of care. It has been trialled across England […]

Event Types: Partner event AHSN Network

Implementing the latest NICE-approved lipid management pathway

1000-1300 Webinar This is the first in a series of cardiovascular disease (CVD) education sessions that will be delivered across the South East region throughout 2022/23. They are organised by the South East Academic Health Science Networks (Oxford, Kent Surrey Sussex and Wessex). The inaugural webinar aims to support the introduction of the new NICE approved lipid […]

Event Types: Partner event Clinical Innovation Adoption

How AI and machine learning are accelerating discoveries in biotechnology

1800-1900 Oxford Brookes University Enterprise Centre, Oxford Brookes University, Headington, OX3 0BP This in-person event will explore how AI has drastically changed the biotech landscape. It will also look at the impact on research avenues including drug discovery, cell therapeutics and medical analysis. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Partner event Strategic and Industry Partnerships

Doing evidence generation within a digital health company

1200-1300 Webinar Digital health companies face many challenges when it comes to generating relevant evidence. This webinar will discuss these challenges as well as the potential solutions, including whether companies should be introducing a dedicated evidence generating role. Tangible examples will be provided of how companies have achieved robust evidence generation. Further information and booking […]

Event Types: Partner event

How can meaningful user research improve digital health delivery?

1100-1200 Webinar  Incorporating users’ experiences is vital to building and implementing a new digital product or service, and to generate meaningful evidence in healthcare. This webinar will discuss how you can work to optimise patient engagement and adopt inclusive practices, to improve digital health evidence. Further information and booking details 

Event Types: Partner event

Gene therapy: coming of age

1200-1330 Webinar Presentation by Yatish Lad, Vice President, Head of Early Development, Oxford Biomedica. Part of the Industry Insights seminar series run by the University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Partner event

Speeding up NHS service transformation

1130-1230 Online event Dr Tim Ferris, Director of Transformation, NHS England and NHS Improvement, and Dr Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive, the Health Foundation, explore next steps for NHS service transformation at scale. How can the NHS be a more active platform for innovation, from idea through real world testing and evaluation to adoption and spread? […]

Event Types: Partner event

PlGF: Where we are and why it’s important

1900-2030 Online event Speakers include Guy Checketts, Head of Transformation at Oxford AHSN. Quick, accurate blood tests which can help rule out pre-eclampsia are contributing to safer pregnancies and better outcomes for tens of thousands of pregnant women and their unborn babies. More accurate diagnosis reduces the need for admission and enables a clearer focus […]

Event Types: Partner event Strategic and Industry Partnerships