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An introduction to real world evaluation in healthcare: new webinar series

The Oxford AHSN is running a series of free webinars covering the basics of real world evaluation in healthcare. They will draw on successful partnerships with industry and the NHS facilitated by the Oxford AHSN. The sessions are aimed at innovators and clinicians who will gain valuable insights into how to gather real world evidence and move closer to getting their innovations adopted by the NHS and benefitting patients. The online sessions take place on Tuesday lunchtimes, 1-2pm, from 21 February to 14 March 2023. Each one will include time for questions.

    • Webinar 1 – An introduction to real world evaluation
    • Webinar 2 – An introduction to health economics
    • Webinar 3 – A guide to data data gathering
    • Webinar 4 – Round-up and Q&A

Further information and booking details

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