The Oxford Academic Health Science Network (OxAHSN) continued its networking activities with a meeting for its six cross cutting Themes to present to the Clinical Networks. The meeting focused on the matrix of OxAHSN where the Themes intersect the Clinical Networks, on a supporting and enabling platforms created by the Research & Development, Continuous Learning and Wealth Creation & Healthcare Innovation Programmes.
65 people attended despite the snow!. They reflected the breadth of the membership of OxAHSN, which will be particularly active in this area including providers from acute, mental health and community services trusts, primary care, commissioning, clinical research networks (both NIHR and CRC), universities, innovation bodies, charities, the Thames Valley LETB and the Life Science Industry.
The meeting began with a brief outline of progress of the OxAHSN application process. The formal interview has been confirmed for 18th February. The advantages of OxAHSN’s unique proposal to use a family of Clinical Networks as the delivery mechanism for its activities and as the vehicle for delivering change through integration and clinical engagement were reaffirmed. The clutter in the emerging NHS landscape was described and a strategy of continuing to proceed with a clear vision and Business Plan was advocated.
The slides accompanying the presentations will be posted shortly. Muir Gray, leading Population Healthcare described the need to readdress the archipelagos in healthcare and instead to work with systems of healthcare. He outlined the proposal to look at the best value for a given programme budget and proposed that healthcare within the OxAHSN could be divided into about 30 programme budgets.
Jim Davies discussed the proposal of the Informatics Theme to unleash the power of linking data records across sectors within careful and secure governance agreements. He underlined the value of large linked databases for use in clinical and research activities. Lionel Tarrasenko leading on Technologies introduced a number of e-health and m-health technologies that were being developed within the OxAHSN and the intention to roll these out across the Network.
Carl Heneghan proposed that the Knowledge Management Theme could support the process of assessing innovations for NICE approval and of understanding the barriers to the uptake of NICE approved TAs.
Kazem Rahimi leading on Integration described the analytical expertise that could assist the Clinical Networks assess the true impact of service redesign. Frances Mortimer outlined how Sustainability was closely interrelated to integration and added scale to the ambitions of integration proposals. She described proposals in renal medicine, psychiatry and respiratory medicine that had or were exploring the sustainability outcomes of service redesign.
Genomic Medicine was addressed by Anna Schuh, who outlined a proposal for an OxAHSN molecular diagnostics service that would be an integral part of introducing a personalised medicine strategy in cancer and some constitutional disease. She described the innovative blanket of genomics, which included the introduction of a new personalised way of practicing medicine, the introduction of new diagnostic technologies, the need for scaled informatics, the training of a new workforce and the importance of delivering public awareness.
Sian Rees leading on Patient and Public Engagement, Involvement and Experience acknowledged the work that was currently being undertaken within OxAHSN. She identified a need to register this work to spread learning and avoid waste. She described the plans of the Theme to focus on patient centred care, research and innovation and organisational development.
The meeting allowed Theme leaders to have less formal discussions with the attendees, which resulted in valuable exchange of ideas and engagement. Stuart Bell closed the meeting thanking the group and proposing directions in which the project could evolve.
List of participants:
Andrew Farmer, OxAHSN R&D Lead
Anna Schuh, Genomic Medicine Theme Lead
Anne Ewens, Oxford Brookes University
Bernadette Lavery, Thames Valley Cancer Network
Bethany Bal, Heatherwood & Wexham Park NHS FT
Boo Vadher, Pharmacy Clinical Network Lead
Brian Murray, Oxford Health NHS FT
Carl Heneghan, Knowledge Management Lead
Carol Phillips, Beckton Dickinson Europe
Chandi Ratnatunga, OxAHSN
Charles Vincent, Centre for Patient Safety & Service Quality
Chris Goard, Genetic Alliance UK & NHS Patient Safety Federation
Chris Pugh, Renal Medicine, Oxford University
Dan Leveson, Oxford Health NHS FT
Daniel Lasserson, Primary Care, Oxford University
David Griffiths, Oxford University
Donald Mackay, Healthcare Libraries, Oxford University
Elika Saedi, OxAHSN
Emma Vaux, Renal Clinical Network
Frances Mortimer, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Geoff Payne, Thames Valley Area Team
Holly Robson, University of Reading
Ian Busby, Chairman, OCCG
James Kennedy, Stroke Clinical Network Lead
John Geddes, Oxford Clinical Trials Unit
Jim Davis, Informatics Theme Lead
John Guyatt, Solutions4Health
John Steadman NHS Innovations South East
Justin Wilson, Mental Health Clinical Network Lead
Karen Kearley, Director of R & D, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Kathryn Mitchell, University of West London
Kazim Rahimi, Inegration Theme Lead
Kim Jackson (in replace of Parveen Yaqoob)
Laura Graham, Trauma Clinical Network
Lionel Tarassenko, Medical Technologies Lead
Liz Clark, Open University
Louisa Stacey, University of West London
Luke Solomons, Berkshire Healthcare NHS FT
Mary Keenan, Medical Director, OCCG
Mike McEnerey, Oxford Health NHS FT
Muir Gray, Population Healthcare Lead
Nick Edwards, Wealth Creation & Healthcare Innovation Lead
Pat Haye, Thames Valley Cancer Network
Peter Taylor, Kennedy Centre, Oxford University
Pete McCrane, Oxford Health NHS FT
Rachel Stancliffe, Sustainability Lead
Richard Devereaux-Phillips, BD Europe
Richard Hobbs, Primary Care, Oxford University
Ricky Sharma, NIHR Cancer Clinical Network Lead
Rupert McShane, NIHR DenDRoN Lead and Consultant Pyschiatrist, Oxford Health NHS FT
Ruth Davis, Centre For Evidence Based Medicine
Sandra Hatton, Thames Valley LETB
Sharon Mickan, Centre for Evidence Based Medicine
Sian Rees, PPEIE Lead
Stephen Gough, Diabetes Clinical Network
Stephen Kennedy, Maternity Clinical Network
Stuart Bell, Oxford Health FT
Susan Proctor, Buckinghamshire New University
Val Woods, NIHR Thames Valley CLRN
Will Orr, Cardiac Clinical Network Lead