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Diabetes Network launch event

The Diabetes Clinical Network had a successful launch day on 28 February 2014. Around 100 people attended from a diverse range of organisations representing primary care, community care, secondary care, commissioners, academia and industry. There were presentations and breakout groups covering the current and planned work of the diabetes network. The presentations from the launch day can be downloaded below.


Oxford AHSN Diabetes Network launch event, 28 February 2014

Introduction to the Oxford AHSN – Prof Gary Ford CBE, Oxford AHSN Chief Executive

The Best Care Programme –
Chandi Ratnatunga, Oxford AHSN Best Care Lead

The Diabetes Clinical Network – Introductions to current projects

Sustainability in the Oxford AHSN – Rachel Stancliffe, Director, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

Patient and Public Involvement Engagement and Experience (PPIEE) – Dr Sian Rees, Director, University of Oxford Health Experiences Institute

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