Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park OX4 4GA
Fourth regional meeting of the Thames Valley Emergency Laparotomy Collaborative (ELC). 5 CPD points awarded.
Speakers include Nick Lees on the best practice and evidence base behind the ELC work. He chairs the Royal College of Surgeons England international committee of experts who authored ‘High-Risk General Surgical Patient, Raising the Standard’ (2018) which defines the care patients should receive when undergoing high-risk abdominal surgery.
Other topics to be covered include:
- High risk surgery, local experience and progress – successes, challenges and shared learning
- Real-time ELC data at your fingertips
- The ELC story so far – in-depth experience from one site
- Perioperative geriatrician review
- Palliative care in emergency surgery settings – case examples
- Prehabilitation medicine
- Enabling tech – point of entry surgical patient triage.
Coordinated by the Oxford AHSN. One of the AHSN Network national programmes. Further information here.
See the agenda and book your place here.