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Past Events

9th advanced stroke care conference: heart and brain

1300-1700 Online event Contributors include Professor Gary Ford, the Chief Executive of the Oxford AHSN and Chair of the national AHSN Network (from 1600). He will highlight new guidance on implementing mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke produced by the Oxford AHSN and partners. Gary also leads the AHSNs’ national programmes supporting primary care in […]

Event Types: Research and Development Partner event

Better healthcare through more inclusive research

1100-1500 Online event The National Institute for Health Research (NHIR) is holding an online event to share findings from the INCLUDE project which focuses on better healthcare through more inclusive research. A key aim is improving inclusion of under-served groups in clinical research. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Research and Development Partner event

Supporting social care research

0945-1300 Webinar Bringing together researchers, users, commissioners, providers of social care and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) organisations to focus on collaboration to support the development of social care research in the Thames Valley and Wessex. Further information and booking details.

Event Types: Research and Development Partner event

Celebrating surgery research

09.15-16.30 Webinar NIHR Clinical Research Networks for Wessex and Thames Valley & South Midlands event to celebrate world class surgery research. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event Research and Development

Research collaborations for healthcare innovation

09.00-12.00 Bioescalator Innovation Building, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7FZ This workshop will outline the funding landscape for innovative healthcare technologies including contributions from the Oxford Academic Health Science Centre and the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. Event hosted by theHill, Oxfordshire’s health and care digital transformation catalyst. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Research and Development Strategic and Industry Partnerships Partner event

Cardiovascular research symposium

09.00-17.00 Royal Berkshire Conference Centre, Madejski Stadium, Reading RG2 0FL The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust hosts the 9th Annual Cardiovascular Research Symposium with the NIHR Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Research and Development Partner event

Cryo-electron microscopy network launch

09.00-17.00 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Campus OX11 0FA Launch of network for industrial and academic scientists working with Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM). Initiative bringing together the University of Oxford, the Rosalind Franklin Institute (RFI), NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Diamond Light Source. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event Research and Development Strategic and Industry Partnerships