All partners – individuals and organisations – sharing our vision for best health and regional prosperity are welcome to join the Oxford Academic Health Science Network’s annual meeting and celebration.
The Partnership Council meeting takes place at The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, on Wednesday 17 June from 4pm.
There will be an opportunity to hear about highlights from 2014/15, pick up a copy of the Oxford AHSN Annual Review and meet members of the Oxford AHSN team and other partners and stakeholders.
Oxford AHSN Chief Executive Prof Gary Ford said: “This is a great chance to take stock of the progress we have made in collaboration with our many partners and hear more about some key region-wide projects which are already making a real difference including tackling variation in children’s care, standardising protocols in maternity care and supporting the widespread adoption of clinical innovations.”
The Oxford AHSN’s second annual Partnership Council meeting is free and open to all. Book your place here >