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We’re making connections at BioTrinity

The Oxford AHSN is a key driving force behind BioTrinity – where great minds, smart money and key dealmakers will be getting together on 12-14 May. We are hosting a workshop on inward investment with valuable input from our Local Enterprise Partnerships and others. It will explore new approaches to partnering and showcase examples of […]

SBRI Healthcare invests in innovation

A national programme championed by Academic Health Science Networks has announced £12.7m of awards in its latest competitions – including eight to companies in the Oxford AHSN region. SBRI Healthcare, funded by NHS England, aims to develop innovative products and services towards better health experiences and outcomes. SBRI has eight categories – including diabetes (co-sponsored […]

Read all about it in our May newsletter

The May edition of the Oxford AHSN newsletter contains items on the countdown to BioTrinity, local SBRI Healthcare award winners, news from our clinical networks … and much more. Read it here You can subscribe to our newsletter and find back issues here

Obesity: causes and consequences course

A free online course on the causes and consequences of obesity has been launched by the University of Reading. The four-week course starts in June. More details here

Opportunities to influence health research

The National Institute for Health Research has a number of vacancies on programme boards looking at assessing a wide range of research. Additional members are needed with expertise in areas including: GPs and other clinical staff service managers health and public health professionals subject experts in long term conditions in childhood, and many other fields […]

Oxford AHSN April newsletter published

The Oxford AHSN April newsletter is packed with news and updates including: ten innovations win Board support update from first Partnership Board meeting SBRI funding opportunities UK Diagnostics Forum app development route map update news from the clinical networks. Plus…videos on the successful Oxford Academic Health Science Centre bid and all the latest information on […]

Oxford-based biotech company raises £200m on stock market

Circassia, an Oxford-based biopharmaceutical company, has raised over £200m in an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the London Stock Exchange. Circassia is focused on the development and commercialisation of a range of immunotherapy products for the treatment of allergies using the company’s innovative technology, ToleroMune®, which was initially developed at Imperial College, London. Circassia has […]

Registration open for Venturefest Oxford

Registration is now open for Venturefest Oxford which takes place at the Said Business School on 8 July. Venturefest brings together hundreds of innovators, investors and entrepreneurs. Click here for more information.

National mental health lead praises Oxford AHSN

The national clinical director of mental health for England has praised the work of the Oxford Academic Health Science Network. Dr Geraldine Strathdee made her comments after taking part in a mental health meeting in Oxford on 13 March which heard four of the Oxford AHSN clinical networks set out their plans. She tweeted: “Really […]