Reading University, Whiteknights Campus, Earley Gate, Reading
Writing about health so that is easy to understand is a skill. We can always improve on it. We invite you to come and explore techniques for writing clearly and concisely. This workshop is open to patients, carers, clinicians, managers and researchers who want to know how to write a story that is easy to understand, avoiding common mistakes and balancing accuracy and accessibility.
Facilitated by Sian Rees, Oxford AHSN.
Download event registration form here.
Places are limited and will be allocated on first come first served basis. There will be a reserve list.
Register by 30 November.
Maps and travel instructions will be supplied to all attending. There is free parking close to the venue at the Whiteknights campus.
We ran a similar workshop in Oxford in June 2018.
Further information: mildred.foster@oxfordahsn.org